Welcome along on my journey from taking nice pictures to creating photographic art…

Self-portrait in a convex reflective wall panel. Merchandise Mart, Chicago.

I took my first black-and-white film photography course in college in the early 1990s. I’ve taken many pictures since then but never really thought about them as art.
I bought my first digital camera, a 2.3 MP Olympus C2500L, in 2000. In 2010, my “best camera” became the 3 MP iPhone 3GS in my pocket, and my photography remained exclusively mobile for 14 years. The capabilities of mobile photography continually improved, but eventually, I wanted to expand beyond what a phone camera could capture.
In 2024, I discovered Out of Chicago and the Chicago Photography Classes community. They introduced me to new photographic styles and built upon those principles I learned 35 years ago. I’m now using an OM System OM-5, and an iPhone is still always in my pocket.
I grew up in Chicago but lived in Houston and Massachusetts for about 20 years before returning in 2018. In some ways, I’m experiencing Chicago as a native, but in other ways, it’s like seeing the city for the first time with an evolving photographic eye.
My photographic style varies as I experiment with new hardware and techniques. I enjoy interesting visual patterns, geometry, and color in architecture and close-up photography.
I've created this site using Adobe Portfolio, an application included in Adobe's photography plans that easily shares photos from Lightroom. 
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